Car insurance rates are set so that the insurer can earn a profit without alienating potential insurance customers in the process. To sum up a rather complicated relationship, the riskier the insurance customer, the higher the car insurance rates to ensure that the insurer can earn a profit. As such, if you have an interest […]
Finding the best car insurance in Alberta isn’t the easiest task, but it is far from daunting. Half the battle is understanding your needs from an insurance policy; the best car insurance for one person may not suit another. Ideally, you want to secure a policy that not only provides you with the extent of […]
Everyone loves a good deal, whether it’s on food, entertainment, furniture, even car insurance. But unfortunately, securing a good auto insurance premium isn’t as easy as grabbing a Groupon or using a promotional flyer. Car insurance premiums can be very steep, and insurance doesn’t go on sale. Despite this, you can still find a way […]
Car insurance is a necessary part of driving in Canada, the United States, and much of the western world. It’s in place to protect the driver, passengers, and all other vehicles and pedestrians on public roads. Essentially, it is in place to protect individuals involved in accidents, theft & damages. Its purpose we understand, but […]