For those who drive, auto insurance is an important part of your life. It provides financial protection and peace of mind in the event of an accident. However, not all insurance systems are created equally. One key distinction is between no-fault and at-fault insurance. If you’re worried about how no-fault insurance may affect your car […]
The recent news about Aviva Insurance leaving Edmonton has sparked concerns among policyholders. What will happen to their insurance coverage? If you’re currently insured with Aviva, understanding the implications of their departure is important to understand how this situation will impact your policy. Let’s take a look at why Aviva is leaving, how this will […]
Across Canada, car insurance rates vary thanks to a multitude of factors, such as the way in which provinces offer insurance coverage to their drivers. There are both public and privately run insurance programs throughout the country. For instance, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and British Columbia rely on provincially run coverage, while the rest of the country […]
Discovering your car has been stolen is a distressing experience. At Arc Insurance, we understand the frustration and worry this situation brings. That’s why we’ve outlined a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this challenging time. We’re here to help you understand what actions to take to increase your chances of recovering your vehicle and […]
The average auto insurance in Alberta is around $1,316 per year. However, rates can vary greatly (up to 14%) across the cities. Are you ready to see how your city stacks up? The following study was completed by, and all calculations are based on a 35-year-old male with a clean driving record. Top 10 […]
Auto insurance is not one-size-fits-all. In Alberta, there are many different types of auto insurance that offer various degrees of coverage and each is unique! Determining which type of auto coverage you should purchase is a matter of understanding what each entails and choosing the one that best suits your needs. To help make this […]
Purchasing a vehicle is a considerable investment but the purchase price shouldn’t be your only consideration! While fuel economy and regular care and maintenance are a priority for many consumers, all vehicles on the road are required by law to have auto insurance. Car insurance is important in providing financial protection for the policyholder and others […]
Telematics, also known as pay-as-you-drive insurance, black box insurance, or usage-based insurance (UBI) is a type of policy that calculates your insurance based on how you drive. This system was designed to reward drivers who drive short distances, infrequently, and sensibly. But is it the right car insurance choice for everyone? The idea of telematics […]
Once upon a time, you had to pull your car over and find a payphone to make a call en route. With a cell phone in the pocket of almost every Alberta driver, laws had to come into place to address the issue of distracted driving. However, distracted driving does not only include cellphone use. […]
There are a ton of auto insurance myths and misnomers floating around, so join ARC Insurance Brokers as we work to debunk some of the most common myths and provide you with some clarity on the auto insurance world. Myth 1: Red cars are more expensive to insure. This is probably one of the longest-standing […]