What to Do If You Get into a Car Accident


Car accident

Getting into a car accident – no matter how small – can be a stressful and frightening situation. It’s easy to be left feeling scattered after an accident, so it’s a good idea to learn about post-accident procedures now when you’re levelheaded. Read on for ARC Insurance’s tips for how to handle the aftermath of getting into a car accident.

Immediately After the Accident

The following are steps you should take immediately after an accident has occurred:

  • Move yourself and your vehicle to a safe location (if possible).
  • If you or anyone else is injured, call 911 immediately.
  • Contact the police and explain your situation. Keep in mind that the presence of an officer is not always necessary – so use your best judgement.
  • If your car isn’t drivable, contact a tow company or roadside assistance, if you have it.

Exchange Information With All Parties Involved

It’s important that you collect as much information as possible from all involved parties. Here’s a list of the information you should try to attain:

  • Names, phone numbers, addresses and emails of all drivers, passengers and witnesses.
  • License plate numbers
  • Insurance information (company, policy number and contact information)
  • Location of the accident
  • Makes and models of all vehicles involved
  • If emergency services are present, try to collect the police report number as well as the names and badge numbers of any officers.

Keep in mind that you should never reveal your auto policy limits or admit fault to another driver.

Document the Scene

It’s never a bad idea to take a couple of photos of the accident scene, as well as any damage to vehicles involved. This will help you later on during your claims process.

Talk to your Insurance Company

It’s critical to call your insurance company as soon as possible after an accident. Many people are hesitant to alert their insurance company of an accident if they are planning not to go through insurance, but know that you can always get advice and then decide if you want to file a claim or not. Your insurance company has dealt with many accidents, so they will be able to help you determine the best plan of action. If you are injured, talk to a physical therapist.


If you are looking for an auto insurance quote, or have questions about how car accidents can affect insurance rates, give the experts at ARC Insurance a call!

CLICK HERE to start a free, no-obligation online insurance quote. Or, call one of our live agents at 780-809-8486 or toll-free at 1-888-633-9898